This design project encapsulates WWF Canada's decade-long mission to combat climate change, safeguard wildlife, and preserve ecosystems. Through innovative moving posters, the concept of being on an irreversible path is vividly portrayed, capturing the urgency of our current trajectory. However, the pivotal message of "reversible" emerges as the posters dynamically flip, revealing a brighter, more hopeful outcome. This transformative approach not only raises awareness but also ignites inspiration and action, emphasizing the potential for positive change and rallying individuals to collectively forge a sustainable future.
The Story
Regenerate Canada is a bold 10-year initiative aimed at combatting biodiversity loss and climate change. The plan addresses contemporary challenges, including escalating urbanization, heightened pollution levels, and habitat destruction due to wildfires. Through collaborative efforts, Regenerate Canada seeks to implement effective solutions to these urgent issues, offering a beacon of hope for a sustainable future.
Moving posters are a powerful tool in today's crowded media landscape, grabbing attention with their dynamic motion and interactivity. With simple colours, they deliver a clear and visually appealing message that resonates immediately. Choosing illustrated elements over photos adds a timeless quality, making the message universal and enduringly relatable.

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